Friday, March 16, 2012


Where to begin? About 6mo ago, we decided to put our house on the market "just to see what happens". We had no house in mind to buy, but we knew we wanted to upgrade and felt like now would be a good time. Long story short...we closed on our house yesterday.
It has definitely been a bittersweet last few days and days filled with lots of emotions and reminiscing. While we felt like it was time to move on, we had SO many memories in that house and it was a little sad leaving those behind.

We brought both of our babies home to that house.
We had "first" holidays in that house.
We lost Frank/Poppy while in that house.
The kids got their playground in that house.
We spent SOOO many hours playing in the front yard of that house.
J.D. broke the front window playing baseball.
We went on countless family walks in that neighborhood.
We had a great Halloween tradition in that house.
We played hide-n-seek more times than we wanted too :)
Mady used to sleep on the kitchen floor in that house. ha

I could go on and on about the wonderful memories of our first house. I didn't think I would be that emotional about leaving, but I was wrong...I had to fight back tears several times that last day of moving. And right before we left for the last time, J.D. & I sat in the middle of the floor in our room and just sobbed together. Poor little guy was having a hard time leaving as well, and I probably should've been strong for him, but instead I just held him and cried right along with him.

I'm so thankful for the blessing of that house and what it provided us. God was faithful to supply all our needs and I truly am thankful to him for allowing us that privilege. I know we will look back on Painter Dr. with such fondness. And I also know that there is a great new home out there for us...we just have to buckle in for the ride and enjoy the "ADVENTURE"!!!!