Saturday, August 14, 2010


Well as I said in the previous post, I've been having trouble getting on here to journal. So now it'll probably take me months to get all caught up, but I'm determined not to miss a thing, so here we go!!

I last posted on J.D.'s birthday and wanted to jot down about his party. He has had pretty big parties for the last couple of years, so we decided that this year would be low key.

*On a side note - I'm kind of torn with the whole "birthday party thing". My logic brain tells me that they don't need a big over-the-top party every year (since they probably won't remember it anyway). But then there's the side of me that says its only once a year and I want EVERY birthday to be special. I think that was something that my mom was really great at growing up - she didn't just pay attention to the "special ones" (1,5,10, etc) - she made every year feel like it was the most important and went "ALL OUT"!! She was great at making wonderful memories for us and I hope I can do that with my kids as well.

I'll let you know if I can find a happy balance! Ha! since it was "low key", I decided to take his "best buds" up to the playground at church and then go get pizza. He insisted on having a "Gordon the Express Engine Birthday Party", which of course doesn't exist, so we found some Thomas paraphernalia and pretended it was Gordon (for those of you without boys, they look almost the exact same). So, it was a great, but HOT day and I think he really enjoyed himself. He's already asking about when's his next party???

We also did a family party at Debbie's to celebrate J.D. & Joscelyn's birthdays together.
Lots of good memories, prayerfully there will be many more.

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