Thursday, September 30, 2010

First Trip to the ER!!

Well, I made it a WHOLE 30yrs without going to the ER. My streak is over...thanks to my precious little bundle of craziness...MADY!!!!

It was just a casual night at home hanging out on the couch and watching a cartoon before bedtime. I was holding Mady on my lap, when all of a sudden she flung her hand back toward my face (for no apparent reason) and poked me in the eye. I knew immediately that this hurt more than the usual "poke-in-the-eye", but I just kept rubbing it (now know that's NOT what you are supposed to do) and hoping that it would feel better. I layed in bed for a few hours, tried ice, and this throbbing pain just would not go away...and I couldn't open my eye ;(

So, I took some Tylenol, and just kept trying to go to sleep, thinking it would all be better in the morning. Well, sleep was NOT coming. This stupid eye was hurting SO bad I couldn't think straight. Throughout the night I would doze off for maybe 30 min, then wake up to what felt like a knife being jabbed straight in my eye. After an awful night and maybe only an hour of sleep, I was finally over it around 5am and told Jimmy we had to go the ER. He awoke poor Barbara to come watch the kids, and off we went.

This was one of the most humiliating things I've ever done. So I have to be led by Jimmy into the ER (I now can't open the other eye as well because it hurts the other one too bad) and proceed to tell them that I'm in the ER because my daughter poked me in the eye! ha! I'm sure they chuckled about that one. Then, they actually make me SIGN papers!! Are you kidding me?? "Lady, I can't see a stinking thing!" She laughed and told me to just sign wherever. ?? Not to mention, I have NO idea what I'm wearing or how my hair looks and I didn't wash my face the night before (due to the incident) so I probably look like a circus performer with mascara all over my face. Ugh!! Such a blow to my pride.

Anyway, long story short, I had a corneal abrasion, but pretty deep and with a piece of my eye actually lifting up...which was causing all the pain. I had to see an eye specialist and he put me on some antibiotic drops and some pain drops. Hallelujah!! However, STILL couldn't open my eye!! It was actually the next day before I could open either one...36+ hrs with NO vision. I have a new appreciation for blind people. Four days later and a doctor's appt every day, and I'm finally feeling back to normal.

Mady - not that I will forget this, but had to write this down to make sure you never live it down. You are such a crazy girl and it only makes sense that it would be YOU that would send me to the ER. Love you in spite of you gouging my eye out - literally! :)

1 comment:

  1. OH ALLISON!!!!! I wished I would have known this sooner. I could have come to help you or something......let me know if you need anything....
