Friday, March 25, 2011


For my birthday Jimmy got me a sewing machine. I've been wanting one for awhile, so I was so thrilled when I got one. However, I do not know the first thing about sewing. I did make a dress when I was sixteen, but my mom did everything, I just basically pressed the pedal. ha. So, I got out the manual and started reading. It was really intimidating, but I kept pressing on and finally was able to at least thread the thing (which is the hardest part). I figured out enough to make Mady's halloween costume, but that was so easy it didn't really count as sewing. So, I found a skirt tutorial online and dove in. I picked something really easy to start with and I used fabric from the dollar bin at Walmart in case I screwed it up. However, I was pretty impressed with myself at how it came out. Now, if you look closely you will see plenty of mistakes and flaws, but just to look at it on her, it looks cute. I'm pretty proud of myself that I figured it out on my own and I can't wait to try other things. Here is my first EVER outfit:


Oh, where to begin with this story...I'll try to give the short version. So, last summer we were unsure of what we wanted to do regarding preschool for J.D. I actually enrolled him at one, but as the day drew closer, I just could not get peace about sending him. He had absolutely NO interest in going (in fact cried and hid behind my leg during the tour of the school), and to say I was not thrilled about the idea is an understatement. My theory was that he is going to have to be in school for the next 12yrs of his life and I just wasn't ready to give up my time with him for "voluntary" preschool. Of course I know there are wonderful benefits of it, I just didn't feel it was right for us.

Fast forward to October, and we started noticing that J.D. was becoming more and more shy and introverted. Now he's always been shy, so that wasn't new, but it was becoming almost paralyzing. Jimmy and I knew this was much more than being shy and were worried how it might affect him if we let it continue. So after MUCH talking, praying (and crying on my part), I agreed that preschool might be a good choice for him after all. We went to look at his school, and I immediately fell in love and had total peace about it. They were so nice and SO flexible with the hours and I just felt like it was the perfect fit. And five days later...he had his first day!!

First day comes and I am expecting total meltdown. Oh how I was surprised...he couldn't WAIT and was genuinely excited. He looked so handsome all dressed up with his Lightning McQueen lunchbox in hand. Meemaw came over and stayed with Mady so I could take him by myself. All the way there we talked about how much fun he was going to have and how proud I was of him for being such a big boy. I parked the car, got him out of his seat and we prayed together and asked God to give him a wonderful day and to help him be so brave and make lots of new friends. He held my hand so tight as we walked up to the class, but still excited and with a smile on his face. Upon entering the classroom, he was welcomed by a big sign that said "Welcome J.D.!" That was so sweet and just touched my heart that they did that for him. I led him to his seat, gave him a big hug and kiss, and turned around to leave. At this point, I'm fighting back tears so hard it hurts. As I turned around for one last goodbye before I leave, I witnessed something that I will remember for the rest of my life. He waved goodbye, smiled and was simultaneously picking up a crayon and starting to color. The look on his face is ingrained in my mind and I will treasure it always. Now, I realize picking up a crayon is not rocket science, but for him that was HUGE - totally out of character. He will usually take a long period of time to "warm up" and scope everything out before engaging in any sort of activity. And for me, that was all I needed to let me know that he was going to be alright and this was a good decision (however, doesn't mean I didn't ball like a baby all the way home).

That day seemed like an eternity...I must've checked the clock 20 times and even arrived at the school 30minutes early because I just couldn't wait any longer. When he got in the car, he was so excited and said he had such a great time. He also said, "Mom, thanks for taking me to school, it was so much fun". Sniff.

We did have just a few tears on the second day, but after promising him a Slurpee after school if he didn't cry, that hasn't happened since. He absolutely loves school and is excited when the day comes. We've also seen a huge difference socially. Again, he's still our normal J.D., but he seems much more open to talking to people, open to trying things on his own, and we haven't had any more of the "episodes".

So all in all, I'm so sad that I don't have my little buddy with me two days a week and I miss him like crazy, but I know in my heart it was the right decision and I know we did the right thing. He is so precious and I want nothing more than to do what's best for him.

J.D. - I'm so very proud of you, more than words can say. You are my precious boy and it breaks my heart to let you go even just for a little bit. I love you so very much.

OK, I better stop before I send myself into a depression...Lord help me when he goes off to college!! :)