Friday, March 25, 2011


For my birthday Jimmy got me a sewing machine. I've been wanting one for awhile, so I was so thrilled when I got one. However, I do not know the first thing about sewing. I did make a dress when I was sixteen, but my mom did everything, I just basically pressed the pedal. ha. So, I got out the manual and started reading. It was really intimidating, but I kept pressing on and finally was able to at least thread the thing (which is the hardest part). I figured out enough to make Mady's halloween costume, but that was so easy it didn't really count as sewing. So, I found a skirt tutorial online and dove in. I picked something really easy to start with and I used fabric from the dollar bin at Walmart in case I screwed it up. However, I was pretty impressed with myself at how it came out. Now, if you look closely you will see plenty of mistakes and flaws, but just to look at it on her, it looks cute. I'm pretty proud of myself that I figured it out on my own and I can't wait to try other things. Here is my first EVER outfit:


  1. well done, girlie!!!!!! so cute!

  2. Very cute! I tried to sew once, too, and my mom did most of the work. Maybe one day I'll try again. Isn't the internet great, though, with all the tutorials?
