Friday, May 6, 2011


J.D. came home from preschool yesterday with a gift for me for Mother's Day. It was a picture of him that they had taken and a letter titled, "All about my mom". Apparently the teacher asked him a few questions about his mom and she recorded his answers. They are hysterical and I just had to record them in case I lose this paper some where down the road. Here it goes:

1. My mom is: 15 yrs old
2. My mom's favorite food is: Broccoli, chicken, rice, soup, salad, macaroni
3. My mom's favorite color is: Green (that's really HIS favorite color)
4. My mom's job is to: Works with babies and listens to their hearts at the hospital (I was actually pretty impressed by that answer)
5. My mom likes to : ride her bike, go to Busch Gardens (this was funny because I only got a
bike a week ago and haven't ridden it yet)
6. My mom makes me feel special when: she plays outside with me and rides the Shamu roller coaster.

Anyway, it was just cute to see what he really thinks about things and I thought it was so precious.

1 comment:

  1. Awww..... that is SO sweet. I love that he thinks you're 15. :) And yeah, I'm pretty impressed by his work answer. Kate and I were talking about Nathan's job the other day and so I asked her what she thought I did for work. She didn't know, so I explained that my job was to take care of her and Penny and Thad and cook and clean and make sure they were taken care of and safe. And she replied, "So Daddy does your job, too?" Thanks a lot. :)
