Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I would rather gouge something in my eye than potty train (and since I've actually done that, that's saying alot). OK, not really, but I have been dreading this so very much. J.D. actually did fine with it, but it just takes so much patience and right now it takes ALL of my patience just to handle Mady on a day-to-day basis...my patience is tapped out. However, as usual with Mady, she decided it was time and there was no turning back. I don't know why I expected anything else, since she is "miss independent", but still I was shocked.
So one night she went on the potty before bath time (which I was not impressed with since a lot of kids do it then), however, she also wanted to go the next morning, and DID!! So, I buckled myself in and went on the crazy ride. Actually, it wasn't too crazy. She did amazing. It was just a few days/week maybe of accidents and going in the pull-up, but then it just happened and she hasn't looked back. She has done such a great job and has even gone so far as to train herself to not go at night either. She has not gone in her diaper at night not even once. She either calls me to go or she just gets up and goes by herself. Again, miss independent wants NO help at all. "No help, ME DO IT!!" (of course I still assist with #2). The sad part is I really can't take much credit for it...she decided she was ready and that was that!! Lord help me when she decides she wants a tattoo!! ha!!

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