Thursday, August 4, 2011


I have told this story to several people, but I must write it down so that I don't forget it 20yrs from now.
So, it was a rare outing where I only had Mady with me. It was a Saturday and Jimmy took J.D. golfing. We had just gotten Mady her big-girl bed and I needed sheets to put on it. So off to the store we go. She also was needing some more panties (because she likes to change them several times a day and I can't keep up with the laundry), so we first went to the kids section and I let her pick out which ones she wanted. Of course she picked the Elmo ones - her fave. Next we headed over to the sheet aisle, where there happened to be a futon at the end of the aisle. So I'm busy looking at the sheets and she is sitting nicely (or so I thought) on the futon. I can see her out of the corner of my eye, but I'm not really paying attention to what she is doing (which I should know by now is NEVER a good idea). A few minutes go by and I hear, "TaDa!!" I turn around and she has her arms out striking a pose like she is so proud of herself. She is completely naked all but a pair of her new Elmo undies...she apparently sat on that futon, proceeded to take off every bit of her clothes, open the package of panties and put them on. Meanwhile, who knows how many people walked by and saw this happening and didn't say anything?? "They" will tell me 20 times in one day that she should sit down in the shopping cart (I'm tempted to hand her over to the next person that says that and challenge them to deal with her) , but she's totally naked and no one says a word. Now of course I have another problem, because I know she is not going to want to take these off, so naturally a tantrum ensues when I try to take them off and put her clothes back on. Finally she agreed after I told her we would not be purchasing the new Elmo undies if she did not take them off.
Whew!! She is such a crazy kid, and sometimes I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. She sure keeps life entertaining and I know one day when she's older I will long for these days again. (or will I????) ha.


  1. That is hilarious!!! I am so glad that Turner is not the only one who likes to run around naked...ha!

  2. I loved reading it all over again! :)
