Saturday, January 2, 2010


WARNING: This a VERY lengthy post. This is more for my documentation purposes, so if you want to keep going, proceed with caution.

I LOVE Christmas!! The cooking, baking, shopping, wrapping, scurrying around for that last minute gift, spending time with family....I love it ALL!! And this year was no different. We started Christmas off by going to the Christmas Eve service at church. Our church growing up never did that, and I've really enjoyed doing it and hope to keep that tradition as the kids get older.
Off to church: (J.D. was not cooperating)

After church, we headed over to Dennis & Mariana's house for dinner. For the past couple years, they've done a "Noche Buena" celebration on Christmas Eve. This is the first year we've been able to go, and I was so excited. It was good to be with all my family, and the food was delicious. Mariana had all the traditional Spanish food - roast pork, rice, peccadillo, yucca...yum yum!!!
When we got home that night, Jimmy & I witnessed one of the funniest things I think J.D. has ever done. We had given him the "spiel" about how Santa doesn't come unless you are sleeping, so when we said it was time for bed, he ran as fast as little legs could carry him to his bed. We tried to do our usual bedtime routine (prayers, kisses, hugs, etc), but he was NOT having it. He kept saying, "Get out NOW. Santa's coming. Get out, I have to go sleep!!" We were cracking up. He's usually the king of bedtime stalling, but not that night! A minute or two after he got in bed, we heard Santa (Nanna) outside his window saying "Ho Ho Ho" and jingling his bells. We went in to see if he heard it, and he was laying there stiff as a board with his eyes closed tight. He was not interested in talking about what he heard...he just wanted us to get out of there so he could go to sleep! Hilarious! Such good memories. :)
The next morning was awesome. They both came out of their rooms and were so excited to see that Santa had been there. And J.D. was also excited to see that Santa and his reindeer enjoyed their cookies and carrots.

They had a great time opening up their presents. J.D. wanted to open up every toy he got before unwrapping the next one - typical kid. After unwrapping one, Mady was pretty much done - thankfully big brother was so kind to help her. Ha!

After they opened all their presents, we found a note under the tree from Santa saying he left one more present in the backyard. So off we went to discover what he left. A playground!!!!

They had such a blast. It was actually sprinkling, and I'm very proud of myself that I didn't let that stop them. I put some shoes on them, and off they went. The look on J.D.'s face was priceless. He was so excited!!
After much needed naps, we headed over to Meemaw's (Barbara's) house to celebrate Christmas with her and Chris & Karen (and Bradley and Sarah Grace). It was a great time. We did presents, then had a yummy dinner, and then we started a new tradition...we played "Gassy Gus"! It's a fabulous board game that fits in perfectly with our family (I won't go into detail). Some families go caroling, some read the Christmas story....we play Gassy Gus. Trust me, you don't want to know! Ha!

The next day we went to my parents house. My family decided to celebrate it the day after so that we could all have a little more relaxing Christmas Day and not have to be running around. Thank you so much, Mom - you're the best. It was actually nice to spread it out a little bit. Two days of eating instead of one sounds like a winner to me! My mom tells the Christmas story and has all the kids act it out with a nativity. She started it several years ago, and it has become a precious time. We then opened presents and had yet another scrumptious dinner. It was a wonderful time.

It was so special to see Christmas through J.D. & Mady's eyes, and I can't wait until next year. We have two of the best families in the world, and it was so special to share Christmas with them. We know from experience that Christmas is not about the presents or the "hoopla" - it's about celebrating the birth of Jesus, and spending time with your family. We often take our families for granted, and it's a good reminder to really cherish them because you never know what the next year holds.
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

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