Monday, December 21, 2009


This is so funny, and I just had to share it. So, my sister-in law, Mariana, had a wonderful idea to take a picture of all the grand kids as a Christmas present for the grand/great grandparents. I thought it was a fabulous idea and I knew they would all really appreciate it. However, we did not think through the process of actually getting them ALL to cooperate at the same time. Thankfully, we decided to just try to snap some at Debbie's house rather than go to a studio. (After you see the pictures, you will understand why.) So I get them all dressed up, head over there, and everyone looks great....until I say it's time to take the picture. I don't know what came over J.D., but he had his mind set he was NOT taking this picture. I told him I was going to have to spank him if he did not cooperate, and he quickly informed me that he would take the spanking. I explained that it was not one or the other, but he still insisted on the spanking. So I did what every good mother does, and I gave him what he wanted! ha! However, the spanking did not work. After MANY trips to the bathroom, he still refused to stand there and take the darn picture!! I felt like an awful mother and was on the verge of tears. So, needless to say, we did NOT get a good picture. Not even close. I feel really bad, because every one else did so good, and I just don't know what his problem was. Below are the results of the photo session. Better luck next year?!?


  1. Ha! So funny :)
    Looks like you need someone w/ Photoshop abilities to give you a "perfect" picture.
    Especially like you trying to lay out of the picture on the second one :)

  2. That has to be the funniest thing I've ever seen! It was so much fun and definitely a Christmas memory we won't forget:)
