Thursday, February 18, 2010

"They say the darndest things!"

My little man, J.D. has said some really cute things lately, and I just had to record them so I would never forget.
He was talking at the dinner table something about "Spanish", and how he could talk Spanish. So, I figured maybe he had retained one of those annoying "say it two ways" from Dora or Diego, so I asked him if he knew a Spanish word. He didn't quite know what I was asking him, so I said:
"Do you know how to say hello in Spanish?"
"Yes, Mommy. Hello, Spanish!!"
He was so proud of himself and it was so cute.

His new favorite thing to "help mommy" is to push Mady's stroller in whatever store we are in. I am usually not opposed to this as it seems to keep him distracted from touching everything and asking if he can buy whatever he sees. Anyway, we were in a store and I told him we were almost finished and then we were going to Chick-fil-a. He started jumping up and down and cheering (obviously his favorite place), and then he went around in front of Mady, took her face in his two little hands, and said to her in the cutest little baby voice: "Mady, aren't you so cited? we going to chick-a-way!!" It was so darn cute and of course Mady had no idea what he was talking about.

#3: (and my favorite)
I heard him calling for me in the morning on the monitor, which he normally does, but he sounded whiny and a little upset. I went in to get him,
"What's wrong, J.D., why are you crying?"
(I immediately could tell his nose was stopped up and was developing a cold)
"Mommy, I so sad. I can't smell my Woobs. See? (sniff, sniff). And I WANT to smell him, but I CAN'T!!"
He said it in such a pitiful tone and I felt so sorry for him. His "Woobs" is his most favorite friend and he loves to just sit and "sniff" him. Don't ask me.
Well, that's all I can think of for now, I'm sure I forgot something. What a cute little boy he is and he makes me laugh all the time.

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