Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pumpkin Patch & Pumpkin Carving

Last weekend we made our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch. The kids had a great time "picking out" their pumpkins. Funny story - we told J.D. that they could pick out a few little pumpkins, but that we were going to buy the real big ones at Sam's later (because we figured they were cheaper there). So as we are purchasing our "little" pumpkins, the guy at the patch asks us if that's all we're going to get and J.D. says, "Mom, can we please go to Sam's NOW to buy our big pumpkins??!!" Oops!! Jimmy & I pretended we didn't hear him and just turned around and walked away laughing! Ha!

After we got our pumpkins, we got set on the carving! J.D. was hilarious because yet again, he did NOT want to have anything to do with sticking his hand in that pumpkin to get out the seeds. But they both did a great job scooping them out with a spoon and then Daddy & I carved them. They came out pretty good this year, if I do say so myself. Fun times and a great family tradition.

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