Friday, March 12, 2010


J.D. has been saying something really cute lately. I'm not sure where he heard it, but guessing he's picked it up from somewhere. Out of nowhere he will say, "Mommy, you're my BEST friend", and give me a big hug and kiss. Adorable, I know. Then sometimes he will say things like, "you're the best cooker in the whole world" (which is strange seeing how I have to threaten to spank him just to eat his dinner), or "you're my best mommy" (as if I'm competing with his other mommy? huh?).
Anyway, it's really cute and so sweet. I told him the other day that he had to promise me that I would still be his best friend 10yrs from now - of course he agreed, but we all know better.
He's also been so sweet with Mady lately. When she cries (which is a lot), he will try to console her and give her toys, food, etc. He will rub her arm and say, "it's OK Mady, it's OK" in his best baby voice. I think part of it is he's just being sweet, and then there's probably another part that is just trying to get Mady to shut up! Ha!
Anyway, he is such a sweet little boy and has such a tender heart and I pray that God continues to grow that in him and that it doesn't go away as he gets older.

1 comment:

  1. He might have gotten it from Kate. She says that to us all the time and has referred to JD, Logan, and Drew as her best friends. :) So cute!!!
