Friday, April 9, 2010


Wow, did Easter just sneak up on us! I was SO ready for spring, but somehow still managed to not be prepared - shocker!
We started the "Easter activities" with an Easter egg hunt at the church rec fields. J.D. was SO excited and looking forward to it, however once it came time to do it, he was NOT into it. When they yelled "GO", he decided he'd rather pout on the bench, then look for eggs. So, a few minutes later when he was good and ready, or course there were only a few eggs left. Things escalated from there when he opened them up to discover that someone had already taken the goodies from inside...can we say meltdown!! Mady, however, was having a great time, but only got a few eggs as well because she decided she needed to EAT the candy inside before she could progress to the next egg! Ha!! Oh well, better luck next year! :)

We decided to attend Easter service on Saturday night instead of Sunday morning. We did that last year and it really helped Sunday seem a bit more relaxed. The kids looked ADORABLE, if I do say so myself. J.D. looked so handsome in his suit, and Mady was precious in her outfit as well. We got some great pics outside after the service.

Lastly, just had to jot this funny story down. We decided after all the talk from J.D. about the Easter Bunny, we should make sure he knew what Easter was REALLY about. So, we quizzed him to see, and of course, he was coming up blank. (yes, I'm a great mom). So, Jimmy and I told him the Easter story several times and thought he had it down pretty good. So next quiz went something like this:
me: "what does Easter mean, or why do we celebrate Easter?"
J.D. : "umm...Jesus died on a cross?"
me: "good, and then what happened?"
J.D.: "he went in a grave."
me: "great! Then after three days, what happened?"
J.D. : (with SO much enthusiasm because he just knew he had this right) , "The Easter Bunny comes!! YAY!!!"

By the way, we're still working on getting that story nailed down in his head. Dying, the grave, raising from the dead...all difficult concepts for a 3yr old! Ha!

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