Thursday, April 22, 2010


So, I'm finally getting the second part of this done - whew!!
We started off Easter morning by letting the kids find their Easter baskets (which I just learned this year that not everyone hides their baskets. Growing up ours were always hid somewhere, and I thought everyone did that??) Anyway, J.D.'s & Mady's were hid in the bathtub and J.D. was so excited he found it all by himself. He was screaming and yelling - it doesn't take much to excite him! :)

We then went to my parents house for lunch. The kids all got baskets from Nanna & Papa, and of course had an Easter egg hunt. My mom gives prizes, and J.D. won for collecting the most eggs. A whole $10 to buy a toy for himself. He was so thrilled to have won the money, although he knows nothing about the amount. She could've given him a quarter and he would have been just as excited.

We also had a great thing happen that day as well. Ashley & Andres got engaged!! Yay!! He put the ring in an Easter egg and when she opened it up, he proposed. Awh, so sweet. Congrats, guys! So happy for you!!


After a LONG day, we finished up the festivities at Barbara's house. We did another egg hunt, the kids ate so much chocolate that they were throwing up - literally (SG), and it was a great day had by all. We made some wonderful memories, and had a fabulous time. HAPPY EASTER!!

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