Sunday, May 16, 2010


I can't believe you are FOUR years old today!! Where did the time go?? Four years ago today, at this very second that I'm writing this (1am), we were checking into the hospital. I was supposed to be induced at 7am, but I had been having contractions every five minutes for over 24hrs. I tried to wait as long as I could (because I didn't want to be one of those people we always send home!), but I just couldn't bear it any longer, so we decided to go on in. I was 4cm when we got there, and after receiving my lovely epidural, was able to get a little rest. As difficult and as painful as it was (epidural was not working so well by now), I LOVED every second of the delivery process. I loved pushing, I loved your Daddy being there with me and seeing how he was "pushing" with me, and I loved finally getting to see you and all the joy that came with that. I was immediately overwhelmed with LOVE for you, love like I've never experienced before. I'd only just met you, but I would've given my life for you in a second.

Since that day, you have truly been the joy of my life. It has been such a privilege to watch you grow over the last four years and to be there for every "first", every "booboo", and every high-five.

At four, you are becoming quite the little man. You are SO handsome, and people stop to tell me that every where I go. Your smile can melt my heart. You have the most tender heart I know. That is such a beautiful characteristic to have, and I pray you never lose that. You are also hilarious - sometimes daddy and I just crack up at you, which makes it very difficult to discipline you. You are into "knock-knock" jokes, and even the 700th time I've heard it, it still makes me laugh the way you tell it. You still sleep with "Mr.Woobs" (and I'm just fine with that). You would be outside 24/7 if I let you. You are into Thomas the Train, Lightning McQueen, and ANY kind of truck. You are SO good with Mady. You always look out for her, and try to calm her down when she's having a "fit". You guys play so well together, and know how to make each other laugh. She's so blessed to have you as a big brother, and I know you will always love and protect her.

Words can't express how much I love you. I know you don't know now, but one day you will understand. That day you hold your firstborn in your arms, it will all make sense. You are such a joy, and I love you so very much. I thank God every day that he chose you for me.

I love you. Happy Birthday, buddy!!!


  1. Awe, that was such a sweet post! Happy Birthday, JD!

  2. I love it!! We have enjoyed watching JD go from the picture above to the adorable handsome little man that he is now. He IS so sweet and precious. And he WILL stay that way!! :) We love you, too, JD! We are so sorry we missed your birthday. We will make up for it, ok? Happy 4th birthday!!! "Uncle" Jen, (haha), Aunt Nathan (??), "Jate" and Penny. :)

  3. We love you too, J.D.! And we're so proud of you. YOu are growing up so quickly and we love how you and Bradley play so nicely together (now)!!! Happy Birthday! Love, Aunt Karen, Uncle Chris, Braps, and Sarah Grace

  4. I know I'm like a month late reading this but wow! That was the sweetest note that I've read. Thanks for letting us in to see how much you love your son! He is a great little man!
