Thursday, May 6, 2010


This just makes my heart melt. Lately, they have been playing really well together. Of course, we have the everyday spats over Mady taking J.D.'s trucks, but they get along great for the most part. Now that Mady is getting a little older, she really wants to do EVERYTHING J.D. is doing, and follows him around like a little puppy. And I think he really enjoys her as well. He is always looking out for her, alerting me when she's doing something "daing-a-wous", and is so sweet with her. They've also started "rough-housing" alot, and that is just hysterical. They will pull each other, flip each other over, all the while cracking up like it's the best time they've ever had. They know how to make each other laugh, and it brings tears to my eyes when I hear them doing it.
I can remember my mom talking about how one of parents deepest desires is to know that their children are close and will remain close after they are gone. I now know what that feels like, and of course want that so much for J.D. & Mady. I know they will grow up and lead separate lives, as they should, but I pray they always stay close and love each other like they do today. I love you guys SO much!!

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