Thursday, December 9, 2010


Well, first off, I'm sorry this year your birthday was not a big ordeal. Unfortunately for you, your birthday fell right in the middle of the chaos that was our November. Your Aunt Ashley got married, and between showers, luncheons, favors (ugh!), etc, we just were not able to squeeze in a party. We had a little dinner here with family, and you seemed to enjoy that, so hopefully it was OK.

It's hard to even begin to put into writing what all has taken place in the last year of your life. You have changed and grown up so much this year and I just can't believe you are TWO!! Where did this year go?? It seems just yesterday I was writing about you turning a year old. When I look back at your baby pictures, I can barely remember them and that makes me so sad, because that means you are growing up TOO fast!! I just want to stop time and keep you this age forever.

Here are some fun facts about you right now:
~You LOVE to eat (girl after my own heart). You can eat WAY more than J.D., but you are still so skinny (lucky you!)
~We joke that you are going to be a nudist because on a daily basis you take all your clothes off and pitch a fit if we try to put them back on.
~You love to copy everything J.D. does.
~You also know exactly how to push J.D.'s buttons and do so quite regularly :)
~You are extremely independent - you want to do everything for yourself.
~You can pretty much dress yourself now. If after about 20min of you trying to do it by yourself, only then will you come ask for "hep".
~You have been slow to talk. You have the usual suspects - mom, daddy, J.D. - and are just now starting to take off.
~You are physically advanced. By that I mean you were able to scale our rock wall the first time with no help, you can climb up on anything, you've been jumping for a very long time, learned a somersault after just a few tries. I can't wait to get you into gymnastics - I think you would do great!!
~You are all-or-nothing...either throwing a tantrum, or laughing; no in between.
~You are a wonderful sleeper. (12hrs @ night and a 3hr nap).
~You are just SO crazy (that's the only word I could come up with)
~You have the best "belly laugh" and it gets us all laughing.
~I'm not sure why, but Jimmy & I have several nicknames for you...not sure where some of them came from, but you answer to any of them. Here they go in no random order :
*Mads (what J.D. usually calls her)
Like I said...totally random and silly, but we really do call her ALL of these. I think we have a problem :)

And lastly, it would not be an accurate documentation of her year if I didn't discuss how "STRONG-WILLED" she is. I hope that one day this will definitely work in her favor, but right now it's taking everything in me to keep me SANE!! To say you are "strong-willed" is an understatement. Whether its putting your clothes on, getting in the car seat, sitting in a high chair/grocery cart, etc etc...if you don't wanna, you aint gonna!! I'm not going to lie, this year has been extremely difficult trying to figure out how to best parent/train/handle (ha) you. There have been days when I feel like I'm not cut out for this and that I'm failing as a mom. But deep down I know that all I can do is keep seeking the Lord for guidance and not give up because you are WORTH IT!!!

Mady, you have tested me. You have pushed every button. You have made me think I'm going crazy. But I wouldn't change a THING about you. You challenge me. You make me WORK. You make me dig deep down inside myself. You make me get on my knees and seek God. You have made me laugh so hard I've cried. Your smile is so big it lights up your face. Your giggle is infectious. I love how independent you are.
You are YOU and you are so unique and I'm so thankful that God thought I was strong enough to be your mom. I promise you now and forever that I will do everything in my power to love you, protect you, and point you to Christ. You are such an amazing girl. I love you so much more than words can say.
I love you, Ladybug. Happy Birthday!!


  1. Mooner?? I might throw a tantrum if my parents called me that.... Haha... just kidding. Mady, we love you, too! Your parents are doing such a great job with you and we can't wait to see how this independence turns out for you (and our Kate)! :) A strong will is a great thing!! (Just not for us moms right now...........) ;) Happy birthday... We love you and miss you!

  2. Oh - and happy anniversary, guys!! Love y'all....
