Friday, November 6, 2009


Happy Birthday, Mady!!
Madelyn Elise Ammirati was born Nov 6, 2008 @ 1:44pm. 8lb, 4oz.
I can NOT believe it has been a whole year. Where did the time go?? In some ways it seems like yesterday, and then in other ways it seems like she's been here forever. She has brought us so much joy and we can't imagine our lives without her. I prayed so hard for a (healthy) little girl, and God blessed me with such a precious little lady.
Happy Birthday, Mady - Mommy & Daddy & J.D. love you SO much!!!


  1. happy birthday, Madelyn. we can't wait to celebrate your special day tomorrow~ cute halloween pics too!

  2. It's amazing how fast time goes!! I'm so glad Turner has a buddy to play with:)
