Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I can't believe my baby is ONE!!!! We celebrated Mady's birthday this past Saturday, and we did a ladybug theme - OF COURSE!! It was is Memaw's backyard and it turned out better than I ever expected. The food was great, the decorations looked amazing, and I think all the kids had a good time - even Mady! Ha! It was a beautiful day and we had such a good time.

Here's the Birthday Girl in her Ladybug Birthday outfit :

I decided to make her cake for her, and it turned into a hysterical nightmare!! (hysterical now, not that funny then). I dropped it getting out of the car, so I had to perform major surgery on it (and nurses do NOT get training in that), then I proceeded to spill RED icing all over it. Like I said...nightmare! However, in the end, I thought it actually looked great and I was glad I did it.

Mady also LOVED smashing into her cake. Well, she didn't really smash, it was more like a "girly mess." She would pick up one piece at a time and put it in her mouth - still, red icing got EVERYWHERE! What was I thinking making her cake RED??

This was one of my favorite things: opening presents. She was a riot! Every present I would show her, she would open her arms, reach out for it and say "OOOHHH". Such a GIRL!! She acted like every present was her very favorite. I've been to my share of 1yr old parties, and I have NEVER seen a child act like that - it was hysterical. Do we think maybe her love language will be "gifts"? Ha! We're going to be in trouble when she hits 13!!
Well, that's about all. It was a wonderful party and I actually got to enjoy myself some (which is unusual when hosting a party) and I genuinely think everyone else did as well.
We are so blessed to have you as our daughter and we thank God for every one of those 365 days he's given us with you. We beg God for many many more days and a lifetime of more memories. We love you so much more than you will ever comprehend. Happy Birthday, my ladybug!! :)


  1. It WAS a great party and fun had by all! You did a fabulous job with all of the decorations, food, planning. The attention to all the little ladybug details was great. Kids had a fabulous time and I have to agree - Mady opening her gifts was the highlight!!! She was so cute - and I think she's ooohhing quite a bit in the picture over her PINK SCHOOL BUS from Aunt Karen ;)
    Great Job, Allison! Now when's the next party???

  2. We had a great time! Of course everything was perfect:) Turner and the girls had a great time. I love how excited she was over her presents, hee hee hee!

  3. I love your new blog layout! Great job!

  4. It WAS a lot of fun. It was so fun to watch her open her presents. Everything looked amazing, the weather was gorgeous and the food was great. Great job!!
