Monday, November 2, 2009


Fall is absolutely my favorite time of year, and this year was no different. We started off the Halloween holiday by carving pumpkins. This was actually our first time doing it, and J.D. really enjoyed it, so I'm sure this will be a yearly tradition.

And then it was on to the good stuff...Trick-or-Treating!! We started a few years ago having our families over for dinner on Halloween and then going trick-or-treating. Every year we seem to add some people, and it has now become too big for our house. This year we actually put up a big tent in our bag yard to accommodate everyone. It was actually really nice and it didn't feel so cramped. We had chili (was hoping it was going to be a little cooler, but oh well) and all the fixins and then headed out for the main event. J.D. dressed up as a pirate (HE got the idea from his favorite Backyardigans episode). He practiced for weeks saying "Argggh", and was calling everyone "Matey" - it was hilarious! I "made" his costume, and it was rather funny. Of course I thought he looked great, but we did have a few laughs at his expense - some people thought he looked like a gypsy!! Jimmy said it was definitely a more "Johnny Depp-ish" pirate. Ha! We joked that Frank would have had something to say about it and would not have let me live it down. He was SO excited, though, so who cares?? And then of course Mady was a ladybug - what else?? We borrowed a costume from Joscelyn and it was just too darn cute. She was precious. All in all, it was a GREAT night. J.D. had an awesome time and is STILL talking about it. In fact, the next morning, the first thing he said when he woke up was, "thank you for taking me trick-or-treating. I had SO much fun!" That makes all the hard work worth it - what a thoughtful little guy. Fun memories!! :) Here are some pics :


  1. Looks like everyone had a fun time! I can't believe how big Mady is. Both she and J.D. are adorable!

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