Thursday, November 19, 2009


WHEW!! It has been a crazy month for us. We ended October with our Halloween party, followed a week later by Mady's birthday. I had been "burning the wick at both ends" those two weeks and was so looking forward to a relaxing week with not much on the schedule - Ha! Should've known that sounded too good to be true.
Wednesday night I was awaken around 3am by J.D. throwing up all in his bed - YAY!! Poor guy, he was so sick, and continued to throw up several times throughout the night. I think we both maybe got one hour of sleep in before Mady woke up the next morning. Needless to say, being up since 3, my patience was thin and was just counting the hours until bed time. So, I finally get the kiddos to sleep, and I drift off into oblivion...until 1am when I awoke running to the bathroom. Yep, I got it! So, I'll spare the details, but didn't get any sleep that night either. I felt really awful the next day and did the only thing I knew to do...called Mommy! My mom, bless her heart, was heading out of town, but took time to come over and help with the kids and even made me some homemade chicken soup - yum! I slept for 12hrs that night and felt like a new woman the next day. I thought life was starting to look better, then...yes, you guessed, Jimmy got it the next night - yet another night with little sleep (couldn't sleep with all the moaning & groaning. ha!) He stayed home from work the next day, so I had to play nurse, mommy & house cleaner that day - let's just say it was NOT a good day! On another note, J.D. was so sweet when I was sick. He would say, "Mommy, I'm so sorry you sick, I'm sorry". I kept telling him he didn't have to be sorry, but it was so precious - he has such a tender heart and really cares about stuff like that. Anyway, I think we've all had it now (Mady had a little diarr, so hoping that's all she'll get), and am really hoping we can get back to normal, whatever that is, before the holidays. Although, I better be careful - wishing for normal is what gets me in trouble! :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you guys are all better! Too bad I didn't get it, I could've lost a few pounds :)
