Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Our Mady-cakes has 3 major milestones to report. Over the last few weeks, she has become quite the "big girl". First (and my favorite), she all of a sudden decided that she wanted to hold her own bottle. One day when I was feeding her, she just pushed my hands down and held it with her own two little hands - I was so shocked, and thought for sure it was just a fluke, but she's been doing it ever since. This may not sound like a major thing, but believe me it is. J.D. NEVER held his bottle, so this has come as such a pleasant surprise. We're having a little trouble transitioning to the sippy cup, but I'll take this little victory for now! :)
Secondly, we were at our favorite place, Chick-fil-A, and Mady climbed up to the second step in the playground area. (Mommies, you know what I'm talking about). I could not believe it - they are pretty big steps, and I was shocked she could get her legs up that high. It's also funny to watch the different personalities - J.D. was fully capable of climbing at that age, but he was too shy and didn't want to get in the other kids way (Mommy's kid). However, Mady didn't give a toot who she got in the way of, and in fact was slinging her leg over some other kid - she wasn't about to let some little rugrat keep her from seeing what was so great up there. Side note - I was in the other room and Jimmy was playing with J.D. in the family room, and he looks over in the kitchen to find Mady sitting right in the middle of the kitchen table. She had gotten up in the chair, and climbed on the table - quite the climber she is. I see many more skull fractures in our future - Ha!
And lastly, we finally switched her over to her big girl car seat. It was becoming almost impossible to buckle her in the old one, so we decided it was time. She looks like a little peanut sitting in that big seat. I had a little meltdown the other day when I looked in the backseat and saw TWO toddlers looking at me - my baby is GONE!! Sniff, Sniff!! I can't believe she's getting so big, and it seems the days and months keep flying by and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

I pray that the Lord can help me stop and cherish and be thankful for all these little milestones instead of wishing them away for a "easier day" (whatever that is?) Thank you, Lord, for my little Mady-cakes and the way she keeps us on our toes.



  1. I'm right there with ya! I cry when I see how big Turner's getting too. I wish I can keep him a baby for longer! Never a dull moment:)

  2. Yeah for Mady cakes! :) Exciting. love you.
